I read this article on writing and found much of myself in the paragraph from Jonathan Safran Foer:
"I begin with nothing and I unfortunately usually end with nothing, in terms of the day-to-day process," says Jonathan Safran Foer. "I’ve never had characters before I started writing. I’ve never had a moral. I’ve never had a story to tell. I’ve never had some voice that I found and wanted to share. Auden, the poet, said, 'I look at what I write so I can see what I think.' And that’s been very true for me in my process. I don’t have a thought that I then try to articulate. It’s only through the act of writing that I try to find my own thoughts. So, it can be quite scary because you know, it’s... there’s a kind of faith, I guess, that you have to have either in yourself or in the process that something good will come from filling blank pages."
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