Thursday, June 25, 2009

Some things go in cycles - especially on the bike

Well, while the Water Project gets consumed in more research and defining a "feel" and approach - the cameras and eyes are staying very busy (and challenged) with cycling - not the hydro-type, but that of two wheels and a heap of one-handed pedaling. Bicycling - my other passion. In between postings here you can check out my other life over on Gerry's Daily Ride (blog) and website.

Friday, June 5, 2009

The ABCs

Adventure, Bicycling and Cameras - okay that is me on Bicycling Northwest. The project is one of those pure flights of fancy and passion. After a back injury, while filming over a decade ago, my doc recommended (with great seriousness) I no longer practice impact sports or activities if my back and knees were going to support camera packs and roaming about the planet. So, the bike was the low impact solution to exercise when home. Well, one bike led to two and a cross-bike to a road bike and an unknown passion flowered. A decade(ish) later - Bicycling Northwest! Take a look and if you live in the US Pacific NW or plan on visiting - the bike is a brilliant way to perambulate this spectacular part of the planet.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

All rivers cut new courses

A bit of silence lately on this blog is going to be followed by a flurry. I'm taking sort of a hiatus from my work with GLOBIO to return to photography and videography and hopefully speak to the global issues of clean water access and need. My goal is to say something about water that brings it alive, makes it living water. What I was able to do through Wild Orphans was personalize conservation and our relationship to wildlife (elephants). The water journey has just started - making me rethink everything from travel to photographic equipt. to the larger issue of what water means emotionally to all living creatures. As that journey moves forward I'll share my thoughts here. One facet I am certain of - kids will be at the heart of the project - and for that twist in direction I thank good friend Dr. Ernie Meloche. And that is where this "hiatus" is tangential - since I have never believed photography was an end in itself, rather a vehicle for messaging, sharing, learning, and in the end, hopefully, a call to action - all that the project creates will run downstream through GLOBIO and to children worldwide. More very soon.